For many students, exams bring about intense stress, making it hard to focus, study, and perform well. But there’s good news: simple breathing exercises can help calm your mind, improve focus, and boost your exam performance. Scientific research, like the studies by Bentley et al. (2023) and Schussler et al. (2020), show that breathwork can be a powerful tool for stress management and concentration, especially for students.

How Does Breathwork Help?

  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety
    Controlled breathing helps to activate the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation. When you feel stressed, your body enters “fight or flight” mode, increasing heart rate and anxiety. Breathing exercises signal the body to calm down, telling your brain that you are safe. This has an amazing effect on reducing stress and helping you feel at ease..
  2. Improves Focus and Emotional Regulation
    Students who practice mindfulness-based techniques, including breathwork, report better emotional control. By using breathing exercises regularly, students were able to stay calm under pressure and handle their emotions better during exams. This emotional stability can significantly enhance focus and clarity of thought, which are key during intense study sessions or while sitting for an exam.
  3. Boosts Academic Performance
    Bentley’s research further highlighted that breathwork is linked to improved brain function. When students practice mindful breathing, it enhances oxygen flow to the brain, supporting better cognitive functioning. This leads to improved memory, concentration, and decision-making—skills that are essential for academic success.
A group of female students celebrating

Top 5 Tips for Improving Exam Preparation and Success

Breathing through your nose

Learning to use your nose for breathing at all times, in your regular activity, sleep and during exercise will come a long way in helping you harness the power of breathing for your exams, and for your life in general.

  1. Practice Slow, Deep Breathing
    Before you begin studying, take a few minutes to practice slow, coherent and deep breathing (meaning, from your belly or diaphragm). Inhale slowly for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. This will calm your nerves and prepare your brain to absorb information better. Do this exercise for 5-15 minutes daily.
  2. Use Breathwork Before and During Exams
    Right before an exam, your nerves can spike. Take slow, deep breaths to reduce anxiety and clear your mind. You can also use short breathing exercises during the exam if you feel stressed or overwhelmed. An example is box breathing: in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4, repeat.
  3. Stay Consistent with Breathwork
    Like any skill, breathwork requires practice. Use it or lose it, it’s as simple as that. Try to integrate it into your daily routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Consistency will help you manage stress better, not just during exams, but in all areas of life.
  4. Combine Breathwork with Mindful Breaks, practice concentration and focus
    During long study sessions, take breaks. Go for a walk or do an activity you enjoy without distractions (no phones, earphones). Focus on your activity, the colours, smells, steps you take, the weather. Use this exercise to teach you to be in the present moment and pay attention. You can add breathing if it helps or just chill and relax, but mindfully.
  5. Visualize Success While Breathing
    While practicing deep breathing, visualize yourself succeeding in your exam. This positive imagery, combined with the calming effects of breathwork, can boost your confidence and reduce exam-related fear.

Incorporating these simple breathing techniques into your daily routine can help you navigate the stress of exams, enhance your focus, and improve your academic performance. Start practicing today for a more relaxed and successful exam experience!