Privacy policy

Welcome to HEALPATH! Our primary objective is to assist you in improving your wellbeing and quality of life beyond medication. Equally important to us is the protection of your personal health information (PHI). This privacy policy is designed to offer a transparent explanation of how we manage and safeguard your PHI. We have strived to make it as uncomplicated as possible, but should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Before we delve into the details, let’s clarify: When we refer to ‘personal information,’ we are referring to data or an opinion that can identify you, such as your name, contact details, or health-related information.

We gather your personal information through various means, including our website, telephone interactions, fax communications, written correspondence, and when conducting customer satisfaction or market research surveys. Additionally, we collect data through cookies, device identification, IP addresses, and standard web login information.

This privacy policy pertains specifically to HEALPATH.

  • Regarding Your Information

Whether it’s through our digital health platform or at our physical clinic location, when you engage with us or utilise our services, we gather certain information about you. This includes personal particulars such as your name, contact details, and health-related data. On occasion, we may also acquire information about you from third parties, such as other healthcare providers or insurers, but only when it is essential for your treatment. We exclusively collect what is necessary to provide you with the highest quality care.

  • Secure Storage of Your Information

Whether in physical or electronic format, we securely store your data. Physical files are diligently safeguarded in secure, locked cabinets, while electronic information is stored using state-of-the-art security measures. We employ cutting-edge encryption technology, secure cloud storage systems, and multi-factor authentication processes to ensure the utmost protection of your data. Our digital infrastructure complies with industry standards and undergoes regular audits and updates to counter emerging data security threats.

In today’s interconnected world, some of the systems and services used for storing or processing your personal information are provided by international companies. We take great care to collaborate exclusively with reputable providers that meet Australia’s stringent standards for privacy and security.

While your data may be accessed or stored outside of Australia, we have contractual arrangements in place to ensure its continued protection. These measures include:

  1. Mandatory privacy and security training for all personnel, regardless of their location, who may access your information.
  2. Requirement for providers to store and transmit data using end-to-end encryption.
  3. Imposing strict limitations on the permissible uses of data, exclusively for delivering requested services.

d.Regular reviews and audits of providers’ security controls, including firewalls and access restrictions.

We understand the sensitivity of your personal information and take every reasonable precaution to safeguard it, whether it is stored locally or abroad. We remain accountable under Australian privacy law for the handling of your data by third parties with whom we engage. We would never compromise your trust by collaborating with providers that fail to meet our standards.

  • Utilisation of Your Information

We primarily collect and use your personal information to provide our services, coordinate your healthcare, and for administrative functions such as billing. Occasionally, we may also employ it for related purposes, such as research, but always in a manner that does not personally identify you. Your personal information may be used across to provide, coordinate, and manage your healthcare and related services.

  • Sharing Your Information

On occasion, we may share your information with third parties, such as other healthcare providers involved in your treatment or when mandated by law. Additionally, we may share it with others if you provide us with your explicit consent.

  • Communication with You

We will use SMS for appointment reminders and email to deliver initial appointment details and assessment letters, if required. By providing us with your email address and mobile phone number, you grant us permission to use them for these purposes.

  • Your Rights

You possess certain rights concerning your PHI. These rights include the ability to access your information, rectify inaccuracies, and learn about recipients of your information. If you wish to access your information, correct any errors, or update your particulars, please inform us. Accessing your information does not entail any fees, although a nominal administrative fee may apply if you request a copy. For security reasons, we will need to verify your identity first.

  • Lodging a Privacy Complaint

If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, please inform us promptly. You can lodge a complaint by contacting us at We take privacy complaints seriously and will make every effort to resolve them expeditiously.

  • Our Responsibilities

We are dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and security of your PHI. In the event of any incident that may have compromised your privacy or security, we will notify you promptly. We are committed to upholding your privacy and adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles outlined in the Privacy Act 1988. You can find further information about these principles on the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

  • Your Agreement

By utilizing our services and providing us with your personal data, you signify your acceptance of this privacy policy. Naturally, this does not affect your legal rights.

  • Changes to This Policy

Occasionally, it may be necessary to update this privacy policy to align with changes in our services or legal requirements. In the event of significant modifications, we will inform you accordingly.

  • Data Retention and Destruction

We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to deliver our services and for a minimum of 7 years, as mandated by law. When your information is no longer required, we will take appropriate steps to either destroy it or render it anonymous.

  • Important Reminder

Please be aware that all private accounts must be settled in full at the time of your appointment. It’s a small detail, but it is crucial to keep in mind.

Thank you for selecting HEALPATH. We’re excited to partner with you on your journey to better health and well-being, free from excessive reliance on medication. Our top priority is to uphold your privacy as we work together towards these goals.